About K Miller

K Miller is a multi-talented entrepreneur, world traveler, International Best Selling Author, and a mother of five. She currently spends her time traveling the world while homeschooling her last two children, and coaching passionate businesswomen to greatness! In her free time she enjoys creative pursuits like photography, and sharing video footage from her travels on her YouTube scrapbook.

As a Certified Health Coach, she motivates overworked moms to live healthier, fuller lives through simple actions and small tweaks that lead to long-term habit change and excellent results. As a result of working with her cravings have been crushed, weight has melted off, income has increased, chronic fatigue has become a distant memory, and other chronic conditions have gone into remission, rendering medications unnecessary!

Her passions and experiences have led her to gain in-depth knowledge of gene function and digestion as they relate to all forms of health and wellness from weight gain and diabetes to infertility and depression. As a health detective, she digs deep into the heart of an issue to find the root cause as she had to do for herself. 

As a busy mompreneur, she found herself getting more and more exhausted as time went on. She can remember back to her early years as a single mother of two, working full-time and in college full-time, she once consulted a doctor about her exhaustion which she felt was extreme at the time. She didn't have any idea then how much worse it would get. The doctor assured her that she would be fine "You're a busy single mother." was his exact response. She agreed and didn't bother to bring it up to anyone ever again. However, 10+ years and multiple kids later the exhaustion left her barely functional. Days would go by of her laying in bed and drifting in and out of consciousness.  

During this time she experienced several other symptoms she didn't realize were related until much later. More details of this time period were shared in the International Best Selling book she coauthored Embracing Imperfections Vol. 3. Where she details the ordeal, the solution, and provides useful tips for readers that may be struggling with similar issues. 

This is when she realized health is wealth! After a considerable amount of research she kicked the bad habits of the "no days off", and "I'll sleep when I'm dead" mentality she had acquired from hustle culture. She found out which foods worked for her and which ones were harming her instead of blindly following a "healthy" diet. She even changed her workout regime to recalibrate her body. The excess fat she was holding onto after multiple pregnancies melted off, her energy was restored to new levels, her skin cleared up, suicidal thoughts went away and her mind was cleared of the brain fog (mom brain) and absent-mindedness she had grown accustomed to.

She knew immediately that the information she had gathered during this ordeal needed to be more readily available. She began sharing the information she had learned with anyone that would listen. Eventually, she began taking on clients and helping others one-on-one to achieve similar results. She continues to educate herself in all facets of the human experience and how to achieve optimum results in every area of life. How you do one thing is how you do everything. 

Her hope is to pass on as much knowledge as possible to other moms in hopes that they will in turn pass it down to their children creating generational health and drastically reducing depression, suicide, and various other deadly preventable diseases from our society.